Topic |
References |
AIMPRO code details |
- Accurate Kohn-Sham DFT with the speed of tight binding: Current techniques and future directions in materials modelling,
PR Briddon and MJ Rayson, Physica Status Solidi B: Basic Soid State Research, 248(6) 1309–1318 (2011).
- Rapid filtration algorithm to construct a minimal basis on the fly from a primitive Gaussian basis,
MJ Rayson, Computer Physics Comm., 181(6) 1051–1056 (2010)
- Highly efficient method for Kohn-Sham density functional calculations of 500-10000 atom systems,
MJ Rayson and PR Briddon, Physical Review B, 80 205104 (2009)
- Rapid iterative method for electronic-structure eigenproblems using localised basis functions,
MJ Rayson and PR Briddon, Computer Physics Communications,178(2), 128–134(2008).
- Lagrange-Lobatto interpolating polynomials in the discrete variable representation,
MJ Rayson, Physical Review E, 76 026704 (2007)
- Marker-method calculations for electrical levels using Gaussian-orbital basis-sets,
JP Goss, MJ Shaw and PR Briddon, Topics in Applied Physics, 104 69–94 (2007).
- LDA calculations using a basis of gaussian orbitals,
PR Briddon and R Jones, Phys. Status Solidi B-Basic Res. 217, pp.131–171 (2000)
- Ab initio modelling techniques applied to c-Si,
PR Briddon, in Properties of Crystalline silicon, No. 20 in EMIS Datareviews Series, edited by Robert Hull (INSPEC, Institute of Electrical Engineers, London, 1999), Chap. 6.9, pp. 300–356
- The ab initio cluster method and the dynamics of defects in semiconductors,
R Jones and PR Briddon, chapter 6 in "Identification of Defects in Semiconductors", volume 51A of Semiconductors and Semimetals (Academic Press, Boston) 1998.
Calculation of electrical levels |
- Marker-method calculations for electrical levels using Gaussian-orbital basis-sets,
JP Goss, MJ Shaw and PR Briddon, Topics in Applied Physics, 104 69–94 (2007).
- Donor and acceptor states in diamondJP Goss, PR Briddon, R Jones, S Sque,Diam. Relat. Mat. 13, pp.684–690 (2004)
- Electrical activity of chalcogen-hydrogen defects in siliconJ Coutinho, VJB Torres, R Jones, PR Briddon,Phys. Rev. B 67, 035205 (2003)
- Calculation of electrical levels of deep centers: Application to Au-H and Ag-H defects in silicon,A Resende, R Jones, S Öberg and PR Briddon,Physical Review Letters 82 (10) 2111–2114 (1999)
Hyperfine Tensors |
- Lagrange-Lobatto interpolating polynomials in the discrete variable representation,
MJ Rayson, Physical Review E, 76 026704 (2007)
- Importance of Quantum Tunneling in Vacancy-Hydrogen Complexes in Diamond,
MJ Shaw, PR Briddon, JP Goss, MJ Rayson, A Kerridge, AH Harker and AM Stoneham, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 105502 (2005)
Zero-field splittings |
- First principles method for the calculation of zero-field splitting tensors in periodic systems,
MJ Rayson, PR Briddon Phys. Rev . B 77, 035119 (2008)
- First principles calculation of zero-field splitting tensors,
MJ Rayson, JP Goss, PR Briddon, Physica B 340, pp.673–676 (2003)
- Self-interstitial aggregation in diamond,
JP Goss, BJ Coomer, R Jones, TD Shaw, PR Briddon, M Rayson, S Öberg, Phys. Rev . B 63, 195208 (2001)
Piezospectroscopic Stress Tensors |
Electron Energy Loss Spectra |
Dislocations in diamond: Electron energy-loss
CJ Fall, AT Blumenau, R Jones, PR Briddon, T Frauenheim, A Gutiérrez-Sosa, U Bangert, AE Mora, JW Steeds and JE Butler, Phys. Rev. B
65, 205206 (2002)
Vibrational Modes: Musgrave-Pople method |
Resonant Vibrational Modes: Green function method |
First-principles theory of nitrogen aggregates in diamond,
R Jones, PR Briddon and S Öberg, Phil. Mag. Letters
66, 67–74 (1992)